all postcodes in LS19 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS19 7BB 1 0 53.875488 -1.671278
LS19 7BD 6 6 53.879413 -1.670183
LS19 7BE 6 0 53.882696 -1.671222
LS19 7BF 1 1 53.865644 -1.683764
LS19 7BG 26 2 53.883448 -1.664664
LS19 7BH 28 0 53.862722 -1.693685
LS19 7BJ 21 0 53.858982 -1.700523
LS19 7BL 26 0 53.858956 -1.70101
LS19 7BN 26 26 53.864924 -1.673323
LS19 7BP 24 1 53.861333 -1.674993
LS19 7BQ 4 0 53.885103 -1.665183
LS19 7BR 4 0 53.862132 -1.674424
LS19 7BS 4 0 53.861738 -1.675081
LS19 7BT 15 0 53.860789 -1.676335
LS19 7BU 16 2 53.860099 -1.678321
LS19 7BX 8 0 53.859243 -1.683204
LS19 7BY 5 5 53.858898 -1.688726
LS19 7BZ 1 1 53.85795 -1.690496
LS19 7DA 7 1 53.858838 -1.689973
LS19 7DD 4 0 53.859809 -1.693493