all postcodes in LS19 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS19 7YH 70 0 53.865279 -1.695384
LS19 7YJ 28 0 53.866097 -1.695622
LS19 7YS 55 0 53.860372 -1.681842
LS19 7YT 52 0 53.860887 -1.700312
LS19 7YU 5 4 53.86581 -1.68206
LS19 7YX 37 0 53.864895 -1.685853
LS19 7YZ 6 0 53.864975 -1.678797
LS19 7ZB 5 0 53.866927 -1.683009
LS19 7ZD 24 0 53.866693 -1.682844
LS19 7GG 3 0 53.862362 -1.683272
LS19 7TT 19 0 53.860387 -1.688856
LS19 7BA 2 53.858565 -1.686193
LS19 7YE 0 53.863628 -1.679157
LS19 7YG 0 53.863376 -1.679143
LS19 7UB 0 53.870532 -1.653828
LS19 7DB 3 2 53.859599 -1.688492
LS19 7GT 1 1 53.863291 -1.691506
LS19 7ZA 22 53.874102 -1.665104
LS19 7US 1 0 53.865679 -1.676662
LS19 7BW 0 53.863466 -1.682594