all postcodes in LS19 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS19 7PY 7 0 53.865679 -1.680099
LS19 7PZ 13 0 53.865516 -1.679583
LS19 7QA 39 0 53.865247 -1.6796
LS19 7QB 5 0 53.865821 -1.679125
LS19 7QD 10 0 53.865147 -1.679236
LS19 7QE 8 1 53.865592 -1.678842
LS19 7QF 57 0 53.864502 -1.68029
LS19 7QG 7 0 53.864166 -1.678833
LS19 7QH 1 0 53.863593 -1.679567
LS19 7QJ 4 0 53.863747 -1.680038
LS19 7QL 39 0 53.864136 -1.680977
LS19 7QN 9 0 53.863947 -1.681085
LS19 7QP 2 0 53.864231 -1.683014
LS19 7QQ 10 0 53.863861 -1.679094
LS19 7QR 69 2 53.86251 -1.681355
LS19 7QS 3 0 53.863136 -1.683692
LS19 7QT 13 0 53.863337 -1.681592
LS19 7QU 9 0 53.863487 -1.680374
LS19 7QW 10 0 53.864553 -1.682343
LS19 7QX 11 1 53.862904 -1.680667