all postcodes in LS22 / WETHERBY

find any address or company within the LS22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS22 5HU 3 0 53.976715 -1.363792
LS22 5HW 3 0 53.969345 -1.391512
LS22 5HX 3 0 53.973774 -1.359934
LS22 5HY 43 4 53.97606 -1.348739
LS22 5JA 4 0 53.97712 -1.350277
LS22 5JB 5 0 53.976946 -1.349762
LS22 5JD 5 0 53.976672 -1.347265
LS22 5JE 1 0 53.977071 -1.347976
LS22 5JF 1 0 53.988846 -1.358071
LS22 5JH 2 0 53.993198 -1.382873
LS22 5JJ 4 2 53.986634 -1.369909
LS22 5JL 12 7 53.907714 -1.41113
LS22 5JN 16 0 53.905933 -1.418264
LS22 5JP 22 0 53.907725 -1.436003
LS22 5JQ 1 0 53.992337 -1.367398
LS22 5JR 16 0 53.908876 -1.415376
LS22 5JS 11 0 53.907607 -1.418712
LS22 5JT 4 0 53.906334 -1.4101
LS22 5JU 1 1 53.930139 -1.3843
LS22 5JW 16 0 53.948556 -1.313178