all postcodes in LS22 / WETHERBY

find any address or company within the LS22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS22 5EU 10 2 53.961042 -1.347235
LS22 5EY 38 1 53.966284 -1.350964
LS22 5EW 2 1 53.947592 -1.312819
LS22 5EZ 5 0 53.967462 -1.349421
LS22 5HA 25 1 53.92513 -1.385576
LS22 5FN 2 2 53.925841 -1.391252
LS22 5HB 10 0 53.92484 -1.386768
LS22 5HD 4 0 53.924479 -1.386408
LS22 5HE 7 7 53.924357 -1.387293
LS22 5HF 5 3 53.942141 -1.372712
LS22 5HG 13 10 53.945468 -1.388736
LS22 5HH 8 0 53.952612 -1.385316
LS22 5HJ 2 0 53.949703 -1.38574
LS22 5HL 11 1 53.952423 -1.36269
LS22 5HN 4 0 53.959608 -1.378653
LS22 5HP 1 0 53.964848 -1.38042
LS22 5HQ 1 0 53.950286 -1.38702
LS22 5HR 7 1 53.962861 -1.3767
LS22 5HS 1 1 53.974588 -1.36939
LS22 5HT 17 1 53.974913 -1.369629