all postcodes in LS22 / WETHERBY

find any address or company within the LS22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS22 5DR 1 0 53.917896 -1.398259
LS22 5DS 6 0 53.899163 -1.399517
LS22 5DT 3 0 53.905678 -1.392057
LS22 5DW 7 0 53.908178 -1.434657
LS22 5DX 5 3 53.915699 -1.390343
LS22 5DZ 19 15 53.924385 -1.373837
LS22 5EA 2 0 53.936692 -1.369129
LS22 5EB 18 0 53.935284 -1.371048
LS22 5ED 1 1 53.935249 -1.36782
LS22 5EF 7 4 53.93898 -1.347869
LS22 5EJ 2 2 53.931867 -1.359241
LS22 5EG 1 0 53.935718 -1.361385
LS22 5EH 12 0 53.945147 -1.356487
LS22 5EL 1 0 53.940725 -1.353158
LS22 5EN 3 0 53.942205 -1.337718
LS22 5EP 9 0 53.948722 -1.312322
LS22 5EQ 6 0 53.945279 -1.350985
LS22 5ER 33 2 53.949485 -1.315189
LS22 5ES 13 0 53.948766 -1.315186
LS22 5ET 2 1 53.95634 -1.32924