all postcodes in LS3 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS3 1DE 17 1 53.803267 -1.565648
LS3 1DF 23 1 53.8048 -1.56758
LS3 1DJ 5 2 53.806362 -1.566405
LS3 1DL 44 0 53.80485 -1.568365
LS3 1DT 37 16 53.805623 -1.568524
LS3 1DU 34 2 53.80673 -1.566402
LS3 1DX 6 0 53.807331 -1.564076
LS3 1DY 101 0 53.808041 -1.563488
LS3 1EA 18 0 53.806771 -1.565844
LS3 1EL 4 4 53.800732 -1.561275
LS3 1EP 2 2 53.799242 -1.556337
LS3 1EQ 1 0 53.800206 -1.55698
LS3 1ER 11 0 53.802763 -1.563041
LS3 1ES 1 1 53.801001 -1.556232
LS3 1ET 26 0 53.803265 -1.563268
LS3 1EU 40 0 53.803646 -1.563548
LS3 1EX 22 0 53.804286 -1.564104
LS3 1EZ 23 0 53.805107 -1.567542
LS3 1HA 30 0 53.805878 -1.567033
LS3 1HB 15 0 53.805871 -1.565074