all postcodes in LS3 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS3 1LF 2 2 53.800769 -1.563275
LS3 1LH 6 6 53.7991 -1.564218
LS3 1LQ 1 1 53.799565 -1.563576
LS3 1LT 2 1 53.800811 -1.565692
LS3 1LW 4 4 53.797843 -1.561954
LS3 1LX 3 3 53.799127 -1.562294
LS3 1LY 4 4 53.799909 -1.561674
LS3 1NF 1 1 53.799819 -1.564059
LS3 1NP 25 0 53.801511 -1.562341
LS3 1NQ 1 1 53.803233 -1.566179
LS3 1NR 38 0 53.801815 -1.561791
LS3 1NS 14 0 53.802558 -1.561085
LS3 1NT 22 0 53.802372 -1.561755
LS3 1NU 18 0 53.803917 -1.564047
LS3 1NW 6 0 53.801121 -1.561373
LS3 1NX 27 0 53.804037 -1.564714
LS3 1RH 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS3 1RJ 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS3 1RP 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS3 1WB 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095