all postcodes in LS5 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS5 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS5 3BX 30 0 53.813269 -1.59885
LS5 3BZ 6 0 53.812729 -1.598476
LS5 3DB 1 1 53.817164 -1.599694
LS5 3DD 13 0 53.820786 -1.602242
LS5 3DE 5 0 53.820688 -1.602699
LS5 3DG 25 0 53.812218 -1.609719
LS5 3DH 14 0 53.812458 -1.608897
LS5 3DJ 17 0 53.813035 -1.609484
LS5 3DL 13 0 53.812973 -1.609925
LS5 3DN 32 0 53.811818 -1.61115
LS5 3DP 16 0 53.813573 -1.61203
LS5 3DQ 4 0 53.811982 -1.609053
LS5 3DR 14 0 53.81281 -1.612144
LS5 3DS 12 0 53.812511 -1.611554
LS5 3DT 13 0 53.811659 -1.611942
LS5 3DU 16 0 53.811661 -1.612822
LS5 3DW 69 0 53.813327 -1.610772
LS5 3DY 13 0 53.811646 -1.613612
LS5 3DZ 29 0 53.813228 -1.613734
LS5 3EA 21 0 53.813576 -1.61285