all postcodes in LS5 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS5 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS5 3QS 37 0 53.827385 -1.613969
LS5 3QT 29 5 53.827318 -1.615337
LS5 3QU 0 53.828709 -1.617694
LS5 3QW 0 53.829225 -1.610427
LS5 3QX 0 53.828207 -1.618155
LS5 3QY 0 53.827937 -1.61799
LS5 3QZ 0 53.826358 -1.613112
LS5 3RA 0 53.825488 -1.619425
LS5 3RB 0 53.824921 -1.619066
LS5 3RD 0 53.824591 -1.61723
LS5 3RE 0 53.825091 -1.616238
LS5 3RF 0 53.82543 -1.618225
LS5 3RG 0 53.826578 -1.617319
LS5 3RH 0 53.826906 -1.61106
LS5 3RJ 0 53.816715 -1.594504
LS5 3RL 0 53.816864 -1.596128
LS5 3RN 0 53.817255 -1.592053
LS5 3RP 9 53.814358 -1.602473
LS5 3RQ 0 53.826018 -1.616382
LS5 3RR 0 53.814896 -1.598926