all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 6DP 45 2 53.806875 -1.510564
LS9 6DQ 41 0 53.808101 -1.509396
LS9 6DR 47 1 53.806856 -1.510443
LS9 6DS 40 0 53.807505 -1.508568
LS9 6DT 10 3 53.807519 -1.507656
LS9 6DU 30 0 53.807424 -1.508569
LS9 6DW 42 0 53.807686 -1.508869
LS9 6DX 49 0 53.806459 -1.510038
LS9 6DY 46 0 53.806423 -1.509871
LS9 6EA 27 0 53.806819 -1.507816
LS9 6EB 48 0 53.806088 -1.509343
LS9 6ED 2 2 53.800233 -1.509036
LS9 6EE 30 0 53.803063 -1.508043
LS9 6EF 24 2 53.803652 -1.507094
LS9 6EH 2 2 53.804365 -1.50786
LS9 6EJ 8 1 53.804537 -1.508192
LS9 6EL 19 0 53.804609 -1.508176
LS9 6EN 12 0 53.804899 -1.508811
LS9 6EP 47 0 53.805889 -1.509057
LS9 6EQ 7 1 53.804883 -1.50711