all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 6BL 3 1 53.809857 -1.505609
LS9 6BN 14 0 53.809261 -1.50507
LS9 6BP 15 0 53.809474 -1.504444
LS9 6BQ 15 0 53.81008 -1.507383
LS9 6BR 19 0 53.810015 -1.50254
LS9 6BS 6 0 53.809765 -1.503135
LS9 6BT 37 0 53.810387 -1.503462
LS9 6BU 50 0 53.811092 -1.506536
LS9 6BW 6 0 53.809488 -1.503503
LS9 6BX 58 0 53.8123 -1.505338
LS9 6BY 28 0 53.811373 -1.502827
LS9 6BZ 60 0 53.811026 -1.501495
LS9 6DA 30 1 53.811161 -1.505958
LS9 6NG 2 2 53.802131 -1.500021
LS9 6DF 24 0 53.80748 -1.511362
LS9 6DG 21 2 53.808318 -1.509636
LS9 6DH 48 0 53.80748 -1.511256
LS9 6DJ 4 2 53.806752 -1.511906
LS9 6DL 49 0 53.807091 -1.510774
LS9 6DN 43 0 53.807894 -1.509125