all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

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Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 0PH 1 53.78283 -1.514608
LS9 0AP 8 0 53.789345 -1.518631
LS9 0AR 3 1 53.786081 -1.492581
LS9 0RX 1 1 53.787857 -1.506934
LS9 0RH 1 1 53.786251 -1.502608
LS9 0NU 1 0 53.785477 -1.514035
LS9 1AA 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 1AR 1 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 1AS 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 1BD 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 1BG 1 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 1BL 1 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 1BU 1 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 6AA 25 14 53.810459 -1.510557
LS9 6BF 2 0 53.810486 -1.510602
LS9 6AB 39 3 53.811731 -1.508959
LS9 6AE 42 0 53.810595 -1.510369
LS9 6AF 35 0 53.810818 -1.509865
LS9 6AG 28 0 53.810933 -1.509439
LS9 6AH 49 1 53.811303 -1.507658