all postcodes in LS / Leeds

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Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District

LS / Leeds

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS1 2JP 9 6 53.797471 -1.549023
LS1 2JS 5 5 53.79758 -1.549371
LS1 2JY 1 1 53.797619 -1.547579
LS1 2JZ 17 17 53.797591 -1.547979
LS1 2LE 7 7 53.798141 -1.550751
LS1 2LF 3 2 53.798277 -1.551038
LS1 2LH 7 7 53.798736 -1.550831
LS1 2LT 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS1 2LU 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS1 2LW 2 1 53.799075 -1.550665
LS1 2ND 3 3 53.798437 -1.552535
LS1 2NE 7 7 53.799302 -1.550628
LS1 2NP 13 6 53.799269 -1.551448
LS1 2NU 1 1 53.799341 -1.551953
LS1 2NY 5 5 53.799335 -1.552161
LS1 2PF 8 8 53.799221 -1.552951
LS1 2PL 1 1 53.79896 -1.553045
LS1 2PQ 6 5 53.799095 -1.553029
LS1 2PW 16 16 53.798727 -1.553169
LS1 2PX 2 2 53.798619 -1.553524