all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 2SA 1 1 51.877621 -0.418868
LU1 2SG 1 0 51.878288 -0.418366
LU1 2SL 6 5 51.878073 -0.418431
LU1 2SQ 1 1 51.879691 -0.417023
LU1 2SW 35 4 51.879318 -0.420717
LU1 2SZ 1 1 51.878759 -0.413932
LU1 2TA 29 18 51.879596 -0.41136
LU1 2TB 28 18 51.879596 -0.41136
LU1 2TH 10 8 51.879798 -0.415
LU1 2TD 23 17 51.879481 -0.412106
LU1 2TE 15 13 51.878969 -0.412835
LU1 2TF 8 8 51.879359 -0.413766
LU1 2TJ 19 15 51.87955 -0.415285
LU1 2TL 17 15 51.880141 -0.416445
LU1 2TN 4 4 51.880309 -0.416159
LU1 2TP 20 7 51.879596 -0.41136
LU1 2TQ 18 16 51.879206 -0.414459
LU1 2TU 1 1 51.879752 -0.414871
LU1 2TY 5 4 51.879225 -0.415824
LU1 2UA 7 7 51.876341 -0.415998