all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 2EY 14 5 51.881143 -0.414071
LU1 2GS 84 0 51.879952 -0.412409
LU1 2HL 1 1 51.878767 -0.415225
LU1 2HN 58 7 51.880412 -0.413787
LU1 2TW 9 8 51.879191 -0.412639
LU1 2HZ 5 0 51.880609 -0.414439
LU1 2JE 103 2 51.879966 -0.412757
LU1 2JX 13 2 51.879751 -0.412183
LU1 2LJ 1 1 51.879454 -0.412775
LU1 2LL 1 1 51.879264 -0.413392
LU1 2LP 1 1 51.878606 -0.41327
LU1 2LT 3 3 51.905267 -0.458618
LU1 2NA 77 3 51.88284 -0.418482
LU1 2NB 4 4 51.881718 -0.417984
LU1 2NF 1 1 51.88124 -0.417187
LU1 2NG 1 1 51.881138 -0.417016
LU1 2NJ 2 2 51.880753 -0.414472
LU1 2NQ 80 4 51.880558 -0.412634
LU1 2NL 30 1 51.880982 -0.415438
LU1 2NR 20 5 51.880936 -0.413352