all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 2NW 25 3 51.88161 -0.41668
LU1 2PA 35 2 51.881637 -0.416011
LU1 2PH 1 1 51.88035 -0.419906
LU1 2PJ 1 1 51.880961 -0.418504
LU1 2PL 45 15 51.880415 -0.419366
LU1 2PU 2 2 51.881119 -0.418891
LU1 2QB 11 8 51.880369 -0.418002
LU1 2QD 1 1 51.879047 -0.419327
LU1 2QG 10 2 51.880849 -0.418251
LU1 2QH 131 58 51.878815 -0.418086
LU1 2QP 20 8 51.880583 -0.418488
LU1 2QR 5 1 51.879107 -0.418424
LU1 2QT 37 2 51.879643 -0.41886
LU1 2QX 17 1 51.879556 -0.418394
LU1 2RS 6 6 51.879958 -0.420849
LU1 2RB 36 36 51.879643 -0.41886
LU1 2RD 34 16 51.879639 -0.419858
LU1 2RG 1 1 51.879673 -0.421019
LU1 2SE 70 23 51.877636 -0.416054
LU1 2RP 1 1 51.879846 -0.419226