all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 3QQ 34 1 51.871193 -0.416988
LU1 3QR 29 0 51.868825 -0.412103
LU1 3QS 29 0 51.872803 -0.409668
LU1 3QT 42 0 51.871774 -0.410706
LU1 3QU 43 0 51.872001 -0.410902
LU1 3QW 47 0 51.870179 -0.409804
LU1 3QX 42 0 51.871993 -0.411614
LU1 3QY 42 2 51.87214 -0.411885
LU1 3QZ 23 5 51.872415 -0.412253
LU1 3RF 5 0 51.869482 -0.414767
LU1 3RG 20 0 51.868743 -0.417989
LU1 3RH 5 0 51.866507 -0.417573
LU1 3RJ 8 0 51.864303 -0.416808
LU1 3RL 8 0 51.862619 -0.415909
LU1 3RN 2 1 51.866733 -0.418354
LU1 3RP 53 0 51.867884 -0.416319
LU1 3RQ 5 0 51.867865 -0.418208
LU1 3RR 39 1 51.8696 -0.415547
LU1 3RS 43 1 51.870766 -0.414678
LU1 3RT 22 0 51.871693 -0.414036