all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 3SX 7 0 51.870743 -0.421623
LU1 3SY 16 0 51.871398 -0.422834
LU1 3SZ 23 0 51.871861 -0.42183
LU1 3TA 8 0 51.87064 -0.420624
LU1 3TD 14 14 51.845213 -0.401451
LU1 3TF 2 0 51.868221 -0.387539
LU1 3TG 2 0 51.868388 -0.401084
LU1 3TJ 3 1 51.848116 -0.402698
LU1 3TL 8 0 51.84651 -0.402944
LU1 3TP 3 0 51.848427 -0.383334
LU1 3TQ 10 2 51.848687 -0.401734
LU1 3TR 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU1 3TS 13 8 51.849858 -0.373023
LU1 3TU 8 0 51.846042 -0.368205
LU1 3TW 3 0 51.855035 -0.378015
LU1 3TY 9 0 51.871847 -0.418156
LU1 3UA 5 2 51.874494 -0.418382
LU1 3UB 5 5 51.874409 -0.417456
LU1 3UD 26 1 51.873278 -0.418284
LU1 3UE 42 3 51.871648 -0.41808