all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 3UG 23 1 51.869639 -0.417754
LU1 3UH 5 0 51.871397 -0.419435
LU1 3UN 46 0 51.872194 -0.419901
LU1 3UP 28 1 51.872001 -0.417588
LU1 3UQ 27 0 51.870977 -0.418331
LU1 3UR 29 1 51.873577 -0.416395
LU1 3US 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU1 3UT 56 0 51.873049 -0.417256
LU1 3UU 47 1 51.873835 -0.415529
LU1 3UX 20 0 51.873284 -0.414634
LU1 3UZ 6 4 51.875566 -0.413188
LU1 3YQ 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU1 3XA 19 16 51.875061 -0.412411
LU1 3XB 48 0 51.870287 -0.416453
LU1 3XD 1 1 51.874148 -0.41407
LU1 3XE 15 2 51.874258 -0.413587
LU1 3XG 7 7 51.875012 -0.414122
LU1 3XH 15 0 51.872942 -0.413948
LU1 3XJ 17 15 51.876976 -0.404484
LU1 3XL 27 4 51.876348 -0.403892