all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 1RN 7 0 51.881572 -0.420502
LU1 1RP 46 0 51.880861 -0.421123
LU1 1RR 66 2 51.881113 -0.421162
LU1 1RS 84 14 51.881334 -0.42159
LU1 1RT 44 8 51.881844 -0.420711
LU1 1RW 41 1 51.880162 -0.423966
LU1 1RX 20 17 51.882098 -0.422174
LU1 1RY 29 0 51.881459 -0.420099
LU1 1SA 14 10 51.88155 -0.418876
LU1 1SD 1 1 51.878551 -0.421237
LU1 1SE 43 7 51.882687 -0.419824
LU1 1SH 6 1 51.882922 -0.419249
LU1 1SP 3 3 51.882829 -0.437898
LU1 1SQ 9 4 51.882532 -0.419001
LU1 1ST 40 0 51.882089 -0.419511
LU1 1SZ 3 0 51.883293 -0.441655
LU1 1TA 20 1 51.883462 -0.442943
LU1 1TB 1 1 51.883168 -0.44041
LU1 1TD 35 1 51.883911 -0.446254
LU1 1TE 14 0 51.883817 -0.439883