all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 1UF 6 0 51.883022 -0.452504
LU1 1UG 2 0 51.884 -0.452358
LU1 1UH 50 0 51.882399 -0.450215
LU1 1UJ 45 0 51.882632 -0.450163
LU1 1UL 55 0 51.884107 -0.450214
LU1 1UN 18 0 51.884368 -0.452995
LU1 1UP 8 1 51.884941 -0.456898
LU1 1UQ 11 0 51.882244 -0.452792
LU1 1UR 5 4 51.885305 -0.455883
LU1 1UU 31 24 51.885713 -0.450668
LU1 1UW 22 0 51.884631 -0.454526
LU1 1XL 40 36 51.887029 -0.461172
LU1 1WP 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU1 1WN 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU1 1WZ 1 1 51.879985 -0.422902
LU1 1XN 20 0 51.87855 -0.431199
LU1 1XP 12 0 51.878006 -0.424129
LU1 1XQ 18 0 51.884505 -0.453819
LU1 1XW 55 1 51.878937 -0.4312
LU1 1XX 7 0 51.878225 -0.424382