all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 1YB 1 1 51.883375 -0.437715
LU1 1QD 11 0 51.878587 -0.425881
LU1 1LX 10 51.886948 -0.452209
LU1 1EF 2 2 51.883257 -0.42549
LU1 1GZ 6 0 51.879075 -0.422696
LU1 1SR 5 51.883668 -0.434741
LU1 1BH 17 0 51.879375 -0.422976
LU1 1BL 0 51.879288 -0.424553
LU1 1BP 0 51.880181 -0.42135
LU1 1BQ 0 51.881891 -0.422167
LU1 1BU 0 51.882127 -0.429743
LU1 1BZ 0 51.879373 -0.43565
LU1 1HT 0 51.883195 -0.420823
LU1 1DU 0 51.87805 -0.423449
LU1 2AA 4 4 51.877581 -0.413978
LU1 2AB 1 1 51.879341 -0.416396
LU1 2AF 14 12 51.878063 -0.414993
LU1 2AG 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU1 2AL 3 3 51.8789 -0.416431
LU1 2AP 3 2 51.879075 -0.417365