all postcodes in LU7 / LEIGHTON BUZZARD

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU7 0QE 7 1 51.870754 -0.682702
LU7 0QF 21 1 51.869392 -0.68308
LU7 0QG 26 0 51.869138 -0.686947
LU7 0QH 1 0 51.868236 -0.690648
LU7 0QJ 12 0 51.86687 -0.70617
LU7 0QL 24 0 51.868712 -0.710126
LU7 0QN 3 0 51.862894 -0.675354
LU7 0QP 6 0 51.863926 -0.660086
LU7 0QQ 3 0 51.869817 -0.688975
LU7 0QR 23 1 51.865892 -0.657442
LU7 0QS 1 0 51.885411 -0.669937
LU7 0QT 4 1 51.883576 -0.662745
LU7 0QU 16 0 51.893648 -0.66686
LU7 0QW 5 0 51.861178 -0.66191
LU7 0RA 1 0 51.88181 -0.709126
LU7 0RB 9 0 51.899165 -0.712539
LU7 0RD 32 0 51.899522 -0.712267
LU7 0RE 6 0 51.899384 -0.712808
LU7 0RG 33 1 51.845617 -0.6606
LU7 0TT 6 0 51.846379 -0.661245