all postcodes in LU7 / LEIGHTON BUZZARD

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU7 0PD 23 0 51.892324 -0.720058
LU7 0PE 7 0 51.888062 -0.727517
LU7 0PF 5 0 51.882118 -0.729124
LU7 0PG 8 2 51.879573 -0.745888
LU7 0PH 5 0 51.897218 -0.717027
LU7 0PJ 37 0 51.898547 -0.71603
LU7 0PN 1 0 51.907747 -0.682826
LU7 0PP 8 0 51.901429 -0.699252
LU7 0PQ 11 0 51.894178 -0.720253
LU7 0PR 8 0 51.898328 -0.705039
LU7 0PS 4 1 51.897886 -0.709058
LU7 0PT 2 0 51.898242 -0.705463
LU7 0PU 9 0 51.893139 -0.708249
LU7 0PW 8 0 51.902866 -0.705703
LU7 0PX 17 0 51.887757 -0.689906
LU7 0PY 4 0 51.887775 -0.689106
LU7 0PZ 3 0 51.888104 -0.691223
LU7 0QA 4 0 51.88767 -0.688528
LU7 0QB 8 0 51.889707 -0.68658
LU7 0QD 19 0 51.881008 -0.677365