all postcodes in LU7 / LEIGHTON BUZZARD

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU7 0JA 4 0 51.918755 -0.764354
LU7 0JB 17 3 51.919002 -0.758792
LU7 0JD 7 0 51.919972 -0.760423
LU7 0JE 15 0 51.923951 -0.760895
LU7 0JF 14 0 51.924201 -0.759798
LU7 0JG 11 0 51.923971 -0.759368
LU7 0JJ 1 0 51.92521 -0.693542
LU7 0JL 28 14 51.916254 -0.708929
LU7 0JN 2 0 51.923099 -0.713226
LU7 0JP 3 0 51.906566 -0.715074
LU7 0JR 10 0 51.904473 -0.723609
LU7 0JS 22 0 51.904231 -0.72443
LU7 0JT 5 0 51.903135 -0.723719
LU7 0JU 14 0 51.905632 -0.723436
LU7 0JW 8 1 51.910214 -0.726499
LU7 0JX 53 1 51.899981 -0.718916
LU7 0JY 1 0 51.898184 -0.72322
LU7 0JZ 1 0 51.899192 -0.732421
LU7 0LA 6 3 51.900121 -0.758011
LU7 0LB 34 15 51.897474 -0.749227