all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 3UE 6 0 53.479945 -2.197699
M11 3UF 4 0 53.4805 -2.199299
M11 3UG 6 0 53.480438 -2.198741
M11 3UH 4 0 53.480536 -2.198982
M11 3UJ 4 0 53.481246 -2.198986
M11 3UL 7 0 53.480716 -2.198908
M11 3UN 4 0 53.480848 -2.19951
M11 3UP 4 0 53.480975 -2.199768
M11 3UQ 4 0 53.481137 -2.199618
M11 3UR 4 0 53.481211 -2.198744
M11 3US 2 0 53.478997 -2.199199
M11 3UT 3 0 53.479172 -2.198027
M11 3UU 3 0 53.479342 -2.197982
M11 3UW 2 0 53.479015 -2.198883
M11 3UX 3 0 53.479961 -2.198784
M11 3UY 3 0 53.479926 -2.198482
M11 3UZ 9 0 53.480005 -2.199402
M11 3WA 18 0 53.479128 -2.20761
M11 3WB 16 0 53.479678 -2.206979
M11 3WD 3 0 53.479805 -2.206227