all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 3WH 10 0 53.479303 -2.205124
M11 3DE 6 0 53.477478 -2.204451
M11 3WU 5 3 53.475046 -2.208358
M11 3AS 3 1 53.479612 -2.203453
M11 3AU 16 0 53.480173 -2.206198
M11 3NP 0 53.476597 -2.205759
M11 3NH 0 53.475139 -2.206927
M11 3NJ 0 53.475973 -2.2077
M11 3LN 0 53.474561 -2.197885
M11 3LP 0 53.474899 -2.199619
M11 3LR 0 53.474857 -2.197992
M11 3LS 0 53.474886 -2.197103
M11 3UA 0 53.475377 -2.204488
M11 3TZ 0 53.475328 -2.201278
M11 3NL 24 0 53.475738 -2.208829
M11 3ND 1 53.477997 -2.195323
M11 3LL 7 0 53.474518 -2.196619
M11 3BN 0 53.476815 -2.209693
M11 3BH 0 53.476474 -2.209405
M11 3NU 0 53.477321 -2.207962