all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 3NN 0 53.477085 -2.207929
M11 3NB 20 0 53.476656 -2.206782
M11 3NT 14 0 53.476351 -2.207626
M11 3LD 14 0 53.475743 -2.200211
M11 3LH 0 53.475414 -2.198476
M11 3SN 2 53.476727 -2.196552
M11 3DU 1 53.48605 -2.202128
M11 3DS 2 1 53.477968 -2.196603
M11 3NE 0 53.47778 -2.207573
M11 3BF 8 0 53.4754 -2.196156
M11 3DR 1 1 53.478329 -2.195535
M11 3BQ 0 53.475807 -2.199578
M11 3BG 0 53.475809 -2.19884
M11 3BY 0 53.476139 -2.200197
M11 3NW 0 53.47753 -2.206969
M11 3BZ 0 53.477288 -2.201167
M11 3DD 0 53.476854 -2.201178
M11 3BS 2 53.477957 -2.192324
M11 3DF 0 53.477147 -2.203726
M11 3DH 0 53.476552 -2.204778