all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 4JF 28 0 53.488738 -2.179564
M11 4JG 16 0 53.488408 -2.183798
M11 4JH 16 0 53.487766 -2.179846
M11 4JJ 12 0 53.48756 -2.179348
M11 4JL 12 0 53.486963 -2.18239
M11 4JN 20 0 53.487555 -2.182784
M11 4JP 4 0 53.488097 -2.181249
M11 4JQ 4 0 53.487009 -2.181184
M11 4JR 4 0 53.487272 -2.17995
M11 4JS 4 0 53.486755 -2.182826
M11 4JT 4 0 53.486991 -2.181531
M11 4JU 8 0 53.486457 -2.178153
M11 4JW 12 0 53.4877 -2.182122
M11 4JX 4 0 53.485981 -2.177895
M11 4JY 8 0 53.486755 -2.176753
M11 4JZ 10 0 53.486056 -2.175258
M11 4LA 16 0 53.485812 -2.176116
M11 4LB 28 0 53.485815 -2.174247
M11 4LD 22 1 53.485547 -2.173538
M11 4LE 8 0 53.485758 -2.170238