all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 4LF 51 0 53.486558 -2.170241
M11 4LG 16 0 53.486633 -2.174582
M11 4LH 20 0 53.486402 -2.172501
M11 4LJ 10 0 53.486408 -2.173103
M11 4LL 18 0 53.487435 -2.171645
M11 4LN 40 0 53.487159 -2.170892
M11 4LP 10 0 53.487905 -2.171196
M11 4LQ 10 0 53.486311 -2.173571
M11 4LR 50 0 53.488201 -2.171921
M11 4LS 20 0 53.487009 -2.175518
M11 4LT 12 0 53.487051 -2.177146
M11 4LU 8 0 53.487442 -2.174088
M11 4LW 40 1 53.487574 -2.169748
M11 4LX 22 0 53.487756 -2.174948
M11 4LY 20 0 53.487907 -2.175959
M11 4LZ 22 0 53.488112 -2.177075
M11 4NB 6 0 53.487033 -2.183475
M11 4ND 10 0 53.486503 -2.17746
M11 4NE 35 1 53.484898 -2.180346
M11 4NF 18 0 53.485233 -2.178946