all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 4NG 44 1 53.485262 -2.176443
M11 4NH 42 0 53.484389 -2.178626
M11 4NJ 19 0 53.483309 -2.179059
M11 4NL 34 0 53.483597 -2.177974
M11 4NN 20 0 53.483403 -2.176543
M11 4NP 8 0 53.487413 -2.181683
M11 4NQ 7 0 53.484787 -2.176699
M11 4NR 19 5 53.486033 -2.179055
M11 4NS 16 0 53.488577 -2.178659
M11 4NT 6 0 53.486224 -2.177368
M11 4NU 8 0 53.486054 -2.176885
M11 4NW 15 0 53.483682 -2.176529
M11 4NX 8 0 53.486217 -2.175921
M11 4NY 18 2 53.486207 -2.170873
M11 4NZ 15 0 53.484786 -2.175869
M11 4PA 10 6 53.481621 -2.170341
M11 4PB 27 3 53.481401 -2.168714
M11 4PD 10 4 53.481113 -2.16915
M11 4PE 18 10 53.480935 -2.167868
M11 4PF 10 0 53.480826 -2.168244