all postcodes in M16 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M16 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M16 8DP 22 0 53.451389 -2.258912
M16 8DQ 16 0 53.451971 -2.259578
M16 8DR 12 0 53.452889 -2.259057
M16 8DS 12 0 53.453051 -2.259073
M16 8DW 9 0 53.450895 -2.258578
M16 8DX 12 0 53.450608 -2.26216
M16 8DY 16 0 53.450204 -2.262007
M16 8EA 38 0 53.44871 -2.25873
M16 8EB 2 1 53.453063 -2.25713
M16 8ED 1 1 53.457321 -2.262773
M16 8EE 75 8 53.452309 -2.257066
M16 8EF 9 0 53.449208 -2.257047
M16 8EG 21 0 53.448367 -2.259737
M16 8EH 5 0 53.448889 -2.259409
M16 8EJ 6 0 53.449683 -2.262004
M16 8EL 13 0 53.448918 -2.26236
M16 8EN 3 0 53.448297 -2.262853
M16 8EP 21 0 53.449519 -2.263087
M16 8ER 9 1 53.453719 -2.252796
M16 8ES 63 0 53.453221 -2.255505