all postcodes in M16 / MANCHESTER

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
M16 8ET42053.452493-2.255154
M16 8EU44053.451959-2.256325
M16 8EW44053.448553-2.260656
M16 8EX60053.450621-2.255504
M16 8EZ16053.4524-2.252579
M16 8FA30753.453117-2.257703
M16 8FB114353.450914-2.258096
M16 8FD29053.451051-2.257209
M16 8FE4053.44882-2.257858
M16 8FF10053.450203-2.258393
M16 8FH32053.450126-2.260787
M16 8FJ15053.449116-2.262166
M16 8FL15053.452823-2.260412
M16 8FN15053.453698-2.259152
M16 8FQ2153.4495-2.258689
M16 8FR48153.453792-2.253219
M16 8FS81053.452907-2.254554
M16 8FT60053.45229-2.253497
M16 8FU19053.451629-2.255917
M16 8FW12053.452312-2.260183