all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 5LN 10 53.474639 -2.247649
M1 5ND 3 53.474122 -2.24516
M1 5NE 1 53.473996 -2.241106
M1 5NF 0 53.474131 -2.241213
M1 5NG 14 53.474178 -2.244331
M1 5NH 3 53.474203 -2.241032
M1 5NR 0 53.473428 -2.241826
M1 5NJ 0 53.473321 -2.241645
M1 5NN 0 53.472988 -2.241944
M1 5NP 6 53.473516 -2.24264
M1 5NQ 0 53.474405 -2.243082
M1 5NZ 1 53.474033 -2.248397
M1 5QA 11 53.472893 -2.23997
M1 5QF 2 53.472531 -2.240887
M1 5QL 0 53.471945 -2.241848
M1 5RR 1 53.475035 -2.243116
M1 5SS 0 53.471989 -2.24227
M1 5ST 0 53.471989 -2.24227
M1 5SU 0 53.471989 -2.24227
M1 5SX 0 53.471989 -2.24227