all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 6EU 16 53.475306 -2.242108
M1 6EX 1 53.47442 -2.240491
M1 6EY 1 53.47372 -2.239869
M1 6EZ 0 53.474717 -2.239995
M1 6FT 1 53.47512 -2.240872
M1 6FU 2 53.473983 -2.242219
M1 6HB 0 53.474952 -2.239394
M1 6HP 0 53.476353 -2.240095
M1 6HR 2 53.476785 -2.239841
M1 6HS 6 53.476068 -2.238873
M1 6HT 1 53.475586 -2.241402
M1 6HX 0 53.476596 -2.23984
M1 6JB 2 53.476338 -2.238347
M1 6JD 1 53.475718 -2.23869
M1 6JX 6 53.476372 -2.239583
M1 6LG 0 53.474952 -2.239394
M1 6LQ 0 53.475215 -2.238537
M1 6LT 4 53.475201 -2.240162
M1 6NF 1 53.475215 -2.238537
M1 6NG 16 53.474567 -2.237793