all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 1ET 4 3 53.482462 -2.232565
M1 1EX 6 2 53.482931 -2.231935
M1 1EZ 10 10 53.481748 -2.234641
M1 1FB 3 1 53.482164 -2.233272
M1 1FJ 2 1 53.483747 -2.231907
M1 1FL 11 9 53.483682 -2.232539
M1 1FR 2 1 53.482144 -2.233224
M1 1FT 12 8 53.481865 -2.233237
M1 1FY 5 4 53.481549 -2.234019
M1 1HE 20 0 53.481264 -2.234111
M1 1HF 3 2 53.481074 -2.234336
M1 1HL 1 1 53.481029 -2.234411
M1 1HP 4 2 53.481395 -2.234696
M1 1HR 9 8 53.482036 -2.233419
M1 1HW 2 2 53.480973 -2.234483
M1 1JA 16 9 53.482366 -2.234581
M1 1JF 11 11 53.482836 -2.234616
M1 1JG 7 7 53.482417 -2.236103
M1 1JJ 3 0 53.482998 -2.234421
M1 1JN 29 6 53.482601 -2.235278