all postcodes in M26 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M26 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M26 1BG 23 2 53.549809 -2.326163
M26 1BH 44 0 53.553076 -2.324679
M26 1BJ 20 0 53.552843 -2.324436
M26 1BL 46 0 53.551324 -2.324469
M26 1BN 24 0 53.552312 -2.324552
M26 1BP 20 0 53.550559 -2.32478
M26 1BQ 17 0 53.549622 -2.325528
M26 1BR 36 0 53.549733 -2.324321
M26 1BS 18 0 53.549048 -2.324995
M26 1BT 36 0 53.549151 -2.323396
M26 1BU 26 0 53.549844 -2.323054
M26 1BW 20 0 53.551569 -2.323581
M26 1BX 42 0 53.551886 -2.322693
M26 1BY 14 0 53.549271 -2.322205
M26 1BZ 20 0 53.544267 -2.362399
M26 1DA 28 0 53.551714 -2.323159
M26 1DB 14 0 53.543156 -2.36408
M26 1DD 12 0 53.549477 -2.33582
M26 1DE 9 1 53.546485 -2.341727
M26 1DF 11 0 53.548439 -2.330635