all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 7NH 7 0 53.509817 -2.453708
M29 7NJ 9 0 53.494768 -2.46128
M29 7NL 34 0 53.505643 -2.447422
M29 7NN 42 0 53.506052 -2.448662
M29 7NP 24 0 53.504984 -2.452993
M29 7NQ 20 0 53.506357 -2.446298
M29 7NR 10 1 53.493686 -2.464554
M29 7NS 4 0 53.493389 -2.466917
M29 7NT 10 0 53.496535 -2.459958
M29 7NU 6 0 53.510386 -2.448241
M29 7NW 78 0 53.505666 -2.44617
M29 7NX 15 0 53.503951 -2.447931
M29 7PA 11 0 53.511661 -2.453426
M29 7PB 17 0 53.51091 -2.454655
M29 7PD 12 0 53.510292 -2.45415
M29 7PE 42 0 53.510901 -2.456841
M29 7PF 38 0 53.511297 -2.456785
M29 7PG 20 0 53.511121 -2.460523
M29 7PH 34 0 53.500724 -2.45037
M29 7PJ 3 0 53.510183 -2.456683