all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 7LH 7 0 53.490267 -2.476665
M29 7LJ 1 1 53.468571 -2.455407
M29 7LL 4 0 53.484375 -2.45957
M29 7LN 2 0 53.479406 -2.470062
M29 7LP 4 0 53.480651 -2.445923
M29 7LQ 1 0 53.477326 -2.450649
M29 7LR 1 0 53.476164 -2.45139
M29 7LS 2 0 53.470923 -2.448471
M29 7LT 2 0 53.469532 -2.447823
M29 7LU 2 0 53.467098 -2.44492
M29 7LW 3 1 53.483331 -2.437812
M29 7LX 7 0 53.467566 -2.438284
M29 7LY 11 0 53.468085 -2.458068
M29 7LZ 3 0 53.463612 -2.454616
M29 7NA 35 0 53.507039 -2.463132
M29 7NB 2 0 53.502585 -2.449921
M29 7ND 16 0 53.502282 -2.451969
M29 7NE 5 0 53.509634 -2.444915
M29 7NF 6 0 53.509668 -2.445458
M29 7NG 57 0 53.507743 -2.445951