all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 7JA 45 0 53.495498 -2.449078
M29 7JB 32 6 53.495057 -2.44868
M29 7JE 17 0 53.492771 -2.44947
M29 7JF 34 0 53.491673 -2.450394
M29 7JG 1 1 53.493338 -2.47061
M29 7JH 12 0 53.494486 -2.450394
M29 7JJ 12 0 53.494849 -2.454196
M29 7JL 1 0 53.493413 -2.45599
M29 7JN 27 0 53.501125 -2.44653
M29 7JP 4 0 53.497817 -2.448997
M29 7JQ 4 0 53.494854 -2.448197
M29 7JS 17 2 53.503028 -2.444438
M29 7JT 4 3 53.502091 -2.445515
M29 7JU 2 2 53.505346 -2.445142
M29 7JW 7 0 53.500609 -2.447474
M29 7JY 22 21 53.504058 -2.445549
M29 7JZ 14 4 53.486589 -2.451258
M29 7LE 1 0 53.482721 -2.452515
M29 7LF 3 0 53.480704 -2.457585
M29 7LG 13 0 53.473884 -2.447538