all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 7TU 0 53.507386 -2.46867
M29 7TP 0 53.507647 -2.468687
M29 7UT 1 0 53.514375 -2.465188
M29 7XE 1 53.514375 -2.465188
M29 7RU 0 53.501697 -2.461581
M29 7JD 0 53.499147 -2.451408
M29 7SB 0 53.497102 -2.459284
M29 7SF 0 53.496441 -2.45866
M29 7SS 0 53.496533 -2.457725
M29 7ST 0 53.497182 -2.45719
M29 7SU 0 53.497857 -2.456911
M29 8AA 1 1 53.514375 -2.465188
M29 8AB 21 0 53.51457 -2.465914
M29 8AD 18 0 53.51463 -2.466487
M29 8AE 26 6 53.514336 -2.467961
M29 8AF 2 1 53.514254 -2.468171
M29 8AG 29 0 53.515577 -2.468036
M29 8AH 1 1 53.514454 -2.467963
M29 8AJ 19 0 53.514523 -2.468658
M29 8AL 4 3 53.514626 -2.469683