all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 8DS 47 24 53.513917 -2.464972
M29 8DT 49 0 53.513397 -2.462267
M29 8DU 42 0 53.517258 -2.468024
M29 8DW 23 1 53.514163 -2.461853
M29 8DX 22 0 53.513666 -2.462631
M29 8DY 2 0 53.51383 -2.461576
M29 8EB 8 0 53.516654 -2.470823
M29 8ED 16 0 53.516401 -2.466447
M29 8EE 6 0 53.516451 -2.465256
M29 8EF 2 0 53.515108 -2.463551
M29 8EG 10 3 53.51535 -2.473312
M29 8EH 1 1 53.51392 -2.464172
M29 8EN 2 2 53.514615 -2.470045
M29 8EQ 3 3 53.514842 -2.471918
M29 8ER 23 0 53.516742 -2.473584
M29 8ES 26 0 53.517878 -2.472676
M29 8ET 46 0 53.520464 -2.470986
M29 8EU 14 0 53.522639 -2.471176
M29 8EW 8 3 53.514791 -2.471345
M29 8EX 33 0 53.521563 -2.468223