all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 8LF 2 0 53.51487 -2.464861
M29 8BS 30 2 53.514928 -2.466144
M29 8BT 17 0 53.515576 -2.465728
M29 8BU 27 0 53.515527 -2.467161
M29 8BW 8 0 53.517733 -2.470744
M29 8BX 10 0 53.515855 -2.465792
M29 8BY 22 0 53.516025 -2.463849
M29 8DA 12 0 53.515481 -2.462544
M29 8DB 12 0 53.515112 -2.46254
M29 8DD 4 1 53.51502 -2.46328
M29 8DE 5 0 53.514427 -2.463228
M29 8DF 7 0 53.514627 -2.462763
M29 8DG 21 8 53.514191 -2.463798
M29 8DH 28 1 53.51436 -2.461945
M29 8DJ 11 0 53.513668 -2.459751
M29 8DL 38 1 53.51418 -2.457404
M29 8DN 14 0 53.514032 -2.456241
M29 8DP 22 2 53.513912 -2.461563
M29 8DQ 27 2 53.514569 -2.463848
M29 8DR 16 9 53.514075 -2.465999