all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 8EY 24 0 53.520767 -2.46939
M29 8EZ 26 0 53.519997 -2.468643
M29 8FA 1 0 53.51441 -2.463017
M29 8FD 8 0 53.514897 -2.462463
M29 8FE 11 0 53.513919 -2.459784
M29 8FF 4 3 53.514188 -2.467101
M29 8FG 12 0 53.517636 -2.472372
M29 8FH 1 0 53.513701 -2.462888
M29 8FJ 34 19 53.513917 -2.469571
M29 8FL 34 21 53.514178 -2.469316
M29 8FN 8 0 53.521829 -2.469085
M29 8FP 28 0 53.515575 -2.473088
M29 8FQ 30 1 53.516681 -2.473146
M29 8FR 13 0 53.517002 -2.473768
M29 8FS 23 0 53.517586 -2.473669
M29 8FT 37 0 53.520565 -2.470414
M29 8FU 27 2 53.522458 -2.469092
M29 8FW 1 0 53.514207 -2.468986
M29 8FX 32 0 53.520756 -2.469903
M29 8FY 28 0 53.520996 -2.468217