all postcodes in M32 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M32 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M32 0RJ 12 0 53.454419 -2.29694
M32 0RN 30 3 53.455651 -2.296647
M32 0RQ 26 0 53.460219 -2.288787
M32 0RR 15 0 53.460211 -2.29198
M32 0RS 21 21 53.460439 -2.290611
M32 0RT 32 0 53.460379 -2.293141
M32 0RU 25 0 53.460323 -2.293953
M32 0RW 2 2 53.460849 -2.288143
M32 0RX 36 0 53.461349 -2.293223
M32 0RY 32 0 53.461417 -2.29137
M32 0RZ 28 0 53.461849 -2.290695
M32 0SA 26 0 53.460722 -2.292345
M32 0SB 30 0 53.460913 -2.291518
M32 0SD 26 0 53.461031 -2.291172
M32 0SE 27 0 53.461737 -2.288963
M32 0SF 11 8 53.461369 -2.288659
M32 0SP 11 0 53.449089 -2.300426
M32 0SR 14 0 53.448988 -2.301118
M32 0SS 40 0 53.448494 -2.301099
M32 0ST 13 0 53.447978 -2.302722