all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0PT 37 0 53.497249 -2.154245
M35 0PU 19 0 53.498101 -2.155575
M35 0PW 18 0 53.495288 -2.162468
M35 0PX 2 0 53.497981 -2.156432
M35 0PY 45 0 53.497265 -2.155994
M35 0PZ 42 0 53.496909 -2.153204
M35 0QA 19 0 53.497459 -2.158919
M35 0QB 4 3 53.497512 -2.158345
M35 0QD 31 0 53.50689 -2.163357
M35 0QE 8 0 53.49743 -2.160276
M35 0QF 10 0 53.497016 -2.16044
M35 0QG 22 0 53.500053 -2.154587
M35 0QH 37 7 53.501309 -2.156717
M35 0QJ 28 0 53.501818 -2.151774
M35 0QL 25 0 53.503392 -2.151117
M35 0QN 14 3 53.503456 -2.150619
M35 0QP 26 0 53.500227 -2.151844
M35 0QQ 53 0 53.499724 -2.152038
M35 0QR 31 0 53.499154 -2.154418
M35 0QS 24 1 53.499205 -2.156634