all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0QU 6 0 53.496177 -2.162532
M35 0QW 10 3 53.503393 -2.150076
M35 0QX 12 0 53.496134 -2.16113
M35 0QY 23 0 53.500211 -2.150894
M35 0QZ 15 0 53.498705 -2.154733
M35 0RF 15 0 53.507285 -2.150331
M35 0RG 20 0 53.506671 -2.152515
M35 0RH 11 0 53.507025 -2.149893
M35 0RJ 79 0 53.504672 -2.148151
M35 0RL 41 0 53.505688 -2.148336
M35 0RN 26 0 53.50584 -2.149045
M35 0RP 54 0 53.505847 -2.150703
M35 0RQ 99 0 53.50492 -2.151092
M35 0RR 18 0 53.50587 -2.153538
M35 0RS 23 0 53.504655 -2.154815
M35 0RT 18 0 53.505653 -2.154065
M35 0RU 16 0 53.506381 -2.154143
M35 0RW 27 0 53.504949 -2.14966
M35 0RX 22 0 53.505176 -2.155179
M35 0RY 48 0 53.503494 -2.155504