all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0NN 19 2 53.505179 -2.159491
M35 0NP 11 0 53.502206 -2.157897
M35 0NQ 28 0 53.501262 -2.157984
M35 0NR 30 0 53.503046 -2.161608
M35 0NS 31 0 53.503612 -2.161897
M35 0NT 14 2 53.503007 -2.163644
M35 0NU 18 0 53.500298 -2.159427
M35 0NW 4 0 53.504202 -2.157482
M35 0NX 17 0 53.500174 -2.157934
M35 0NY 32 1 53.498673 -2.158411
M35 0PE 24 0 53.498292 -2.159328
M35 0PF 18 0 53.497934 -2.159901
M35 0PG 26 1 53.496658 -2.159534
M35 0PH 18 0 53.49672 -2.160273
M35 0PJ 18 0 53.496853 -2.161525
M35 0PL 18 0 53.496583 -2.161946
M35 0PN 18 0 53.495917 -2.162395
M35 0PQ 31 1 53.496515 -2.1589
M35 0PR 20 0 53.496652 -2.156881
M35 0PS 30 0 53.496338 -2.156488