all postcodes in M35 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M35 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M35 0RZ 23 5 53.503331 -2.156574
M35 0SA 29 0 53.502156 -2.154761
M35 0SB 34 0 53.501635 -2.154744
M35 0SD 14 0 53.500565 -2.154951
M35 0SE 12 0 53.500986 -2.155902
M35 0SF 24 0 53.501172 -2.156384
M35 0SG 12 0 53.505826 -2.152573
M35 0SH 20 0 53.503402 -2.157162
M35 0SJ 20 0 53.505598 -2.155497
M35 0SL 8 0 53.507906 -2.156666
M35 0SN 11 0 53.505294 -2.154184
M35 0SP 24 0 53.505848 -2.149618
M35 0SQ 11 0 53.502776 -2.155004
M35 0SR 4 0 53.501302 -2.154682
M35 0SS 5 0 53.500782 -2.153685
M35 0ST 12 0 53.501032 -2.15548
M35 0SU 9 0 53.502047 -2.155785
M35 0TE 11 0 53.501071 -2.166576
M35 0TF 16 0 53.499538 -2.163359
M35 0TG 16 0 53.499822 -2.165621